Украинские агентства / cудовладельцы:
| Зарубежные агентства / cудовладельцы
Найденные компании: 17 | | Albion-neo, Crewing Agency Kherson, Belinskogo str, 13, of 401, Тел.: +38 0552 26 33 59 Mobile: +38 099 683 35 76 Факс: +38 0552 26 33 59
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| Atlantic Marine Ltd. 73000 Kherson, 15, Belinskogo str., 4th floor, Тел.: +38 (0552) 22 41 93 Mobile: +38 095 584 13 42 Факс: +38 (0552) 22 41 93
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| Atlas-Service, Private Marine Agency 73025 Kherson, Petrenko Str, 30b, Тел.: +380 552 398330, +380 552 460802 Mob. +380 501 920626 Факс: +380 552 460802
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| Cooperation 73000 Kherson, 25, Ushakova Avenue, Apt. 406, Тел.: +38 0552 420312 Факс: +38 0552 432730
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| Credo, Maritime Agency Kherson, 50, Ushakova Str., off. 25, Тел.: 8 0552 42 05 79 Mobile: 8 050 396 38 20 Факс: 8 0552 42 05 79
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| Euro Star Ltd. Kherson, Spartakovskii lane, Тел.: +380 552 42-21-31 Mobile: +380 94 978 49 53 Факс: +380 552 42-29-24
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| Gamaun Marine Аgency 73000 Kherson, Kirova str. 24, of.909, Тел.: +38 0552 491 084, mob. +380 675 52 59 27 Факс: +38 0552 491 084
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| Marine MAN, Marine Agency Kherson, 17, Krasnoflotskaja str., office 327, , Тел.: +38 0552 41 66 60 Mobile: +380 504 944 082 Факс: +38 0552 41 66 60
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| NEREIDA, Maritime Agency 73000 Kherson, 132-a / 40 Let Oktjabrja str. off. 308,309, Тел.: +38 0552 44 08 59 Mobile: +38 095 012 70 56
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| Olga Knot Marine 73000 Kherson, Radjnska 46, Тел.: +380 552 491416 Mobile: + 38 050 596 40 12 Факс: +380 552 263588
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| Promtechservice Kherson, 13, Komsomolskaya str., office 14, Тел.: +38 (0552) 467 396 Mob.: 095 357 29 09
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| Satellite, Crewing agency 73000 Kherson, 37, 21yanvaria str., of.813, Тел.: +38 0552 454 831 Mobile: +38 050 942 9834 Факс: +38 0552 454 831
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| SAV-Service Kherson, 28/27, 9 Yanvarya str., Тел.: +380 552 42 20 08 Факс: +380 552 45 40 20
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| Sea Gold Kherson, 9 Sichnya, 32/30, Тел.: +380667320762
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| V&V Maritime Ukraine Kherson, Office 37, 33/47, 21 January str., Тел.: +38 0552 266258 Mobile: +380 94 978 8837 Факс: +38 0552 266258
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| Wellteam Marine, Crewing company 73000 Kherson, 29, Gorkogo str., Тел.: +38 0552 442423 Mobile: +380 509 107782 Факс: +38 0552 227320
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| WorkJoy LTD 73000 Kherson, 3, Mirnii blvd, of 330, Тел.: +380970797734: Mobile: +380958808848
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